Denis McErlane-Fine Art
Home Page


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Welcome to my website. I hope you find something to interest you in the images displayed.


I have been painting most of my life, or at least since graduating from Edinburgh in 1969. Over the years, my work has moved through large scale abstraction, mainly hard-edge, then back to figuration, mostly landscape and urban subjects.
In terms of technique, my work has evolved quite a bit. It started out in oils, acrylics and watercolour, but now I spend as much time painting on the computer as I do on the easel.
During recent years, the three themes that have dominated my work have been:  Gateshead and Tyneside, where I lived for most of my life, the hills and moors of Northumberland, where I am currently based, and the Great Whin Sill and Hadrians Wall, which is just up the road from where I live now.
The three Gallery "rooms" that make up the site more or less reflect these broad categories, i.e.:

I have not attached prices to the works featured in the galleries, as they are not all for sale  -  though most of them are, and they are not expensive.  If you would like to purchase one of the pictures, or maybe just ask me a question about any of them  -  please drop me a line via the "Contact" option, and I will be delighted to get in touch.

Denis McErlane



All images copyright the artist.











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